landscape Lighting

How to Put Christmas Lights on a Large Outdoor Tree

Christmas is more than just a celebration of family, friends, faith, and giving. For most of us here in the States, it’s a season during which we give ourselves permission to decorate anything and everything with lights, colors, images, and sounds that bring us joy.

Rolling through a nice neighborhood in the evening to behold all the homes emblazoned with sparkling lights and lawn decor is a classic family outing in the winter. If you’re in the mood for some sight-seeing, Christmas Lights Near Me in Dallas has a list of popular public displays! And if you as a homeowner are the festive type, you may have some plans of your own to brighten up your home’s exterior.

But let’s say your new to the adventure of hanging lights all on your own. This task really does require some planning and forethought, especially if you intend to put Christmas lighting in tall trees with large branches.

Let’s take a look at the materials you will need, and the steps you will want to follow to guarantee success.


  • A ladder
  • A tape measure
  • Ring connectors, adhesive-back hooks, and/or electrical tape
  • Outdoor extension cords
  • Outdoor Christmas lights

Hanging the Lights


For a truly precise arrangement, you may want to measure the height and circumference of your tree trunk. Enlist the help of a friend- and a ladder- to measure the length of the branches you want to wrap as well.

Remember, not every single branch needs to be adorned. Take a moment to envision what you want, and prioritize outer branches that are more visible. This way, you can maximize the coverage area of your light strands.

Sort out how many strands you need, and get your materials together. And remember to practice safety! For taller trees that require a ladder, this is not a venture you should embark upon alone. A trusted partner can keep you safe, help you unravel the light strands, and serve as a second set of eyes.

Start at the Trunk

The process involved in putting Christmas lights on taller trees is similar to that of decorating a indoor Christmas tree. You start by wrapping the lights around the bottom and work upwards toward the top.

The best lights to use for taller trees are connectable strands. This way, you can tailor the length according to your needs. The strands will come with male and female plugs at either end, so be sure you line them up accordingly beforehand

We recommend using LED lights, as the light they emit is brighter and they use very little energy. Additionally, they will last far longer than traditional bulbs. 

Working The Branches 

Wrapping the Christmas lights around a tree’s branches is slightly more involved than the trunk. You’ll want to plan ahead about when to double back toward the base, and how that might affect the spacing of your lights.

Again, you don’t need to drape every single branch. In fact, you don’t need to drape the full length of any branches! Have whoever’s helping you offer aesthetic feedback from the ground, to help you determine the most ideal placement.

Fastening the Light Strands

Ring connectors, or ring terminals, are a great tool for fastening any sort of wiring into place to avoid loose strands. They can be fastened to the trunk and/or the branches, to hold the lights in place. This is especially helpful for windy regions, as you don’t want a dangling wire to begin unraveling.

Both hooks and ring connectors can be used to hold everything in place, including the very end of the light string. That is definitely the most important thing to fasten down! However, adhesive hooks may not be feasible in wetter climates. Electrical tape is more likely to stay put in inclement weather.

Safety Concerns

Be sure you pick a day that has no rain or snow in the forecast. Minimal wind, or none at all, will also make the job easier and safer. Once you’re done, secure the extension cords to avoid trip hazards.


Hanging lights in taller trees certainly requires some planning and safety, but it’s definitely a realistic DIY project if you’ve got all the right information. However, if you’d rather leave your Christmas lighting installation to the professionals, Ryno Lawn Care is happy to assist.

T. Stafford

I enjoy writing about gardening, lawn care, etc. to share what I've learned with others. I've lived in Texas my whole life, so I'm more familiar with this region's native plants.

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T. Stafford

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