How to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter


how to prepare your lawn for winterHere in North Texas, many people await winter with breathless anticipation. Even though the winters here are generally pretty mild, we do face some frozen days, and we may even get some snow if we’re lucky. That’s why it’s important to know how to prepare your lawn for winter. A well prepared lawn comes back nice and strong in the spring. Here are a few great lawn care preparation tips.

How to prepare your lawn for winter in five easy steps:

I. Be sure to get everything off your lawn for the winter. Garden gnomes, resin furniture, swing-sets, rolled up hoses and more left on the lawn for the winter will result in ugly brown patches and compressed spots of grass. When this is the case, you will need to do a lot of re-seeding or sod installation to fix these problems come spring. Be sure to gather up all your spring and summer lawn equipment and decorative items and store them away neatly for winter. When you do this, you protect your valuable belongings and your lawn.

II. Before storing your garden hose, be sure to drain it completely so that it doesn’t freeze and burst in storage. Likewise, clean all your lawn and garden tools to prevent rust and damage while stored. When you put your tools away carefully, you won’t have to rush around replacing them in the spring when you need them the most.

III. As you approach winter, be sure to mow your yard closer. When you begin the winter with a nice, short lawn, you will avoid a shaggy, dead look during the winter months. Additionally, when your grass starts to grow in the spring, it will have a nice crisp, clean appearance. When your grass is too long during the winter, the overgrowth can have the same effect as leaving items out on the lawn. It can end up causing bare patches that need to be re-seeded. By cutting your grass to a reasonably short length just before winter, you will have a lot less work to do in the spring.

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IV. If you already have some bare patches on your lawn, be sure to re-seed them after the deadly heat is over but before the first frost. This will give the seed a chance to get a good foothold and grow slowly throughout the winter. Having grass already in place will prevent weeds from filling in those empty spaces and help you start out the spring with a nice, full lawn.

V. Use the winter months constructively to learn about lawn and garden care and begin making your plans for the coming spring. Lawn and garden care is an ever-changing topic, and there’s always something new to learn.

If you really want to make the most of your lawn and garden in the springtime, schedule a consultation with us at Ryno Lawn Care, LLC. We will look over your property and discuss your plans and hopes for your yard and garden with you. We will help you create a yard and lawn of which you can be truly proud. Call us today at 214-728-8894 or use our handy online form to find out more about how to prepare your lawn for winter and how to make the most of your yard and garden with help from Ryno Lawn Care, LLC.

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