Grassburs (sandburs) are best treated early when young and actively growing. As they mature, control becomes tougher. Avoid restricted arsenic-based herbicides like MSMA/DSMA—illegal for residential use in Texas—and opt for these proven, legal alternatives:
Recommended Post-Emergent Herbicides
1. 2,4-D (e.g., Southern Ag Lawn Weed Killer) Why it Works: It is a selective herbicide made to target specific weeds. (Safe for Bermuda, Tall Fescue, and Kentucky Bluegrass).
Note: Combine 2,4-D with quinclorac or dicamba for better results. Avoid application on St. Augustine lawns unless explicitly labeled as safe.
2. Quinclorac (e.g., Drive XLR8, Onetime) Why It Works: Targets grassy weeds like sandburs without harming most warm-season turf (safe for Bermuda, Zoysia).
Note: Use a surfactant for better adhesion. Avoid application on St. Augustine unless explicitly stated on the label.
3. Sulfentrazone (e.g., Dismiss NXT) Why It Works: Fast-acting on young grassburs and compatible with most lawns. Pairs well with prodiamine (pre-emergent) for season-long control.
4. Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (e.g., Acclaim Extra) Why It Works: Effective on grassy weeds in Bermuda and Zoysia lawns. Apply to young burs and repeat as needed.
5. Mesotrione (e.g., Tenacity) Why It Works: Selective herbicide safe for St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Zoysia. Works best when combined with a surfactant.
Application Tips
Timing: Treat grassburs at the 2-4 leaf stage for maximum efficacy.
Liquid vs. Granular: Liquid herbicides (sprayable) provide better coverage and absorption than granular options.
Avoid St. Augustine Damage: Always check labels—some herbicides (e.g., Quinclorac) can stress St. Augustine if misapplied.
View Comments
Thank you so much for all helpful ideas! I will be trying them on my yard 😉
FYI - I don't know about any other states but, MSMA is not supposed to be sold to retail customers/homeowners in Texas any more
I live in Irving, Tx and can get Target 6 plus delivered directly to me. It’s a powerful chemical and you have to be careful applying it. I have three lawns and the one with the burrs has to be killed out and start over.
I grew up on the Outer Banks of NC, specifically Frisco, on Hatteras Island. We found the easiest way to get rid of these things was to fertilize the hell out of your lawn. You could kill them early spring and keep them gone all year, but it will take a few years before they stop coming up altogether.
They do hate nice lawns.
I live in Utah, we have a very healthy lawn and my husband is anal about watering, but we still seem to get an abundance of these very painful little buggers. Any other suggestiosn
Nothing seems to work
Thank you for the helpful ways to take care of stickers and to have a healthier lawn.
I live in Barbados in the farming area we have then bad, my husband and I are digging them out and putting blankets down to catch them, then we will use a herbicides to kill the weeds so far so good
what kills sticker burrs
Which of these sticker removal tools (herbicides) are not dangerous to a small dog, ie a 12 lb dog
I read about a tool that would pick up burrs and now I can’t find it. If you see the ad please let me know. I am grooming dogs and horses daily trying to get the burrs off of them. Help!