artificial turf

How Long Does Synthetic Turf Last?


artificial turfSynthetic turf is a high-quality fiber made from a polyethylene material. Polyethylene is a type of plastic often used to make bottles and plastic bags.

Artificial turf started becoming popular after it was used for Houston’s Astrodome’s baseball field in 1966. Synthetic turf has been seen more recently in residential lawns because it’s green year-round and is very easy to take care of.

How Long Does Synthetic Turf Last?

Most people know that synthetic turf usually lasts for years. But if you’re considering artificial turf, you probably want to know exactly how many years it will last.

That answer can vary. Many factors can affect the lifespan of your turf. These include:

  • The type of turf you choose
  • The climate you live in
  • How much traffic your turf gets
  • How well you care for your turf

The Type of Turf You Choose

There are many different types of synthetic turf on the market, and each one has its own lifespan. Cheaper turfs made from lower-quality materials may only last for a few years, while more expensive options made from higher-quality materials can last for decades. To get the most out of your investment, it’s important to choose a turf made from durable materials and designed to last.

The Climate You Live In

If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, your turf may not last as long as it would in more moderate climates. Hotter, drier climates can cause the turf to fade and wear out faster.  While cooler, wetter climates can cause mold and mildew to grow on the turf.

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Here in North Texas, we are used to very hot summers, which means that we need to water our grass more frequently. This is not an issue with synthetic turf, which is a big plus.  In the Spring 2019 Edition of Agrilife’s Texas Lawn Companion, Bob Chang discusses how many municipalities and water agencies offer a financial incentive program for homeowners who switch to artificial turf.

How Much Traffic Your Turf Gets

If your turf is in a high-traffic area, it will not last as long as turf in a low-traffic area. Pets, children, and adults can all damage the turf over time, so you may need to replace it more often if you have a lot of foot traffic on your turf.

How Well You Care For Your Turf

Proper care and maintenance are essential if you want your synthetic turf to last. Be sure to brush the turf regularly to remove debris and repair any damage as soon as it occurs. You should also have the turf cleaned and inspected by a professional every few years to ensure that it is in good condition.

Is Synthetic Turf Worth It?

Synthetic turf has many advantages over natural grass. It is more resistant to wear and tear, doesn’t need to be mowed or watered, and can be used all year round.

Synthetic turf is also very low maintenance; all you need to do is brush it occasionally to remove debris.

With artificial turf, you will not have to worry about pests like chinch bugs or armyworms invading your lawn. Chinch bugs prefer hot, dry soil, whereas armyworms prefer moist soil.  Neither pest thrives in artificial turf though.

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You will also never have to treat for turfgrass weeds such as, crabgrass, spurge or dandelions.

However, synthetic turf does have a few disadvantages. It can be more expensive than natural grass, and it may not look as realistic. Another disadvantage is that it does lasts for many years. If you decide to alter your landscape, it will require more work.

Conclusionsynthetic turf

The lifespan of synthetic turf depends on the type of material used and the quality of the product. For example, lower-quality synthetic turf made from polyethylene may only last for 8-10 years, while higher-quality nylon turf can last for up to 20 years. Certified manufacturers typically guarantee their products for 8 years.

Synthetic turf has several advantages and can last for many years with proper care. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing synthetic turf for your home.

Be sure to consider the type of turf you want, the climate you live in, how much traffic your turf will get, and how well you will care for it. With these factors in mind, you can decide if synthetic turf is the right choice for you. Ryno’s lawn care specialists would be more than happy to talk with you about installing synthetic turf today.



One Response

  1. I find it surprising that synthetic turfs can last for several decades when installed in your garden. My friend is interested in creating the ultimate garden for his dogs so that they can play without dirtying their fur! Maybe we should look around for an artificial turf consultant to help him with this someday.

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