fall landscaping ideas

Fall Planting Ideas For The Front Yard


Fall front yard landscapingFall is a very symbolic time of the year. The leaves turn colors, the weather starts cooling off, and kids are back in school.  This lets us know that the holiday season is right around the corner and winter is following.  Many home owners love to decorate their homes during the fall season and planting your garden accordingly should not be any different!  Fall planting ideas for the front yard.

Fall Front Yard Plants

Your lawn is the largest part of your yard and should be the start of your curb appeal. Keeping your lawn trimmed and edged only enhances the lines and contours of your yard. Following up with the lawn should be some nice flowers and hedges.

Recommended Flowers For Your Front Yard

  • Hydrangeas – are excellent for a multitude of garden sites an group plantings. Hydrangeas mix well with shrubs that create borders and can be planted to containers.
  • fall landscaping ideasPansy – provide an eye pleasing fall color in just about every shade of the rainbow. Versatile and heavy blooming flowers show pansies are the perfect fall flower. Pansies are also ideal as ground covers or hanging baskets decorating entry point or doorways.
  • Sweet Alyssum – is known for its beautiful fragrance and vibrant color. Sweet alyssum creeps along the ground, thus creating a layer of color in the fall. Growing  Sweet Alyssum can also be used it in containers to spill over the edges. Another benefit is this flower tolerates cool weather very well, as well as can bloom all fall and winter in mild areas.
  • Aster – Flowering in shades of purple, pink, white, and blue, asters are a nice change compared to the traditional fall flowers. Aster is also one of the best plants to feed pollinators such as bees and butterflies in autumn.
More Lawn Tips:  Full Sun Annuals That Bloom All Summer

Recommended Garden Plants

  • Celosia –  Flame like plumes add vertical texture to other fall flowers making Celosia perfect for the fall because of the many color varieties that Celosia shows. Bright yellow, orange, reds, and burgundy purple accents. Great for adding to your container gardens, as well as landscaped beds and borders.
  • fall landscaping ideasPurple Fountain Grass – is a charming accent for fall flowers. Its foliage pairs perfectly with other colors nicely, thus adds wonderful texture to plantings.
  • Croton – is perfect for autumn. This annual has foliage in rich shades of red, orange, yellow, and purple. Ideal for harvest and Halloween themes in your garden.
  • Flowering Kale – is one of the toughest plants for the fall season. Flowering Kale holds up well in frost climates, additionally will show very well in mild winter areas!

Front Yard Landscaping

There are key areas most folks will focus on when they view your home. Areas such as the driveway and walk way, the front porch and front door, as well as the front yard and trees.  Be sure to keep your follow a lawn maintenance plan to keep your grass well groomed.

Since daylight savings time changes in the fall season, a no brainer for recommendations would be to add accent and path lighting.  The night starts earlier and lighting will keep the your paths safe and looking good.

Using a mix variety of pots, planters,  and decorative features such as statues, baskets and other various props does highlight your landscape.  You can create endless combinations of plants and flowers with a ornamental statue, or rock formation.

More Lawn Tips:  How to Care for Outdoor Succulents in Texas

Creating Garden Beds

Garden beds can located in any number of spots throughout your yard.  Elevated flower beds are a good start.  Focusing the garden around key areas does look amazing, and it does not take a large garden to do so.

  • Small garden beds can be created around your mail box, curbside.
  • Garden beds around trees offer the best of flower plants and majestic trees with green foliage.
  • Creating garden beds that follow pathways and have multiple levels are always eye catching.
  • Another option is creating a garden center piece like a rain garden or making a pouring ground cover spilling over from a large pot or planter.

Fall Planting Ideas For The Front Yard are plenty when you combine some beautiful flowers, colorful plants and some imagination.  There are too many rules to follow to create that eye catching landscape.


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