
Fall Lawn Pests- 5 Common Bugs to Beware Of


CaterpillarEvery season brings a unique variety of life to your lawn and garden. Some are a welcome sight, such fall annuals, brightly autumn foliage, and the flickering dance of fireflies in the twilight.

But then there are the others, which we’d rather do without altogether. Anything that harms your landscape or compromises the health of the plants you’ve been nurturing all year long, these are the critters we want to be on the lookout for, as winter approaches.

Speaking of creepy-crawlies you may not have invited into your garden, you can Keep Spiders Away With These Plants.

Let’s take a look at some common lawn pests to beware of during the fall season:

Slugs & Snails

Autumn is prime time for these slimy fellows to begin laying eggs. Though they don’t begin feeding until the spring, they hatch within 2-3 weeks after the eggs are laid. This means fall is the time to take preventative measures. 

There are several commercial products you can use in the fall to stay a step ahead of these leaf munchers. Be on the lookout for telltale trails- chalky looking white marks on your deck or pavement, as well as adults hiding among your foliage. 


While summer is the primary season for aphids, they can linger in your lawn and garden long after the weather cools off. These pair-shaped critters have elongated mouths that allow them to munch on your greenery suck the juices out of grass and foliage.

Aphids typically hide on the underside of leaves, and they are not partial to any one type of plant. For a mild infestation, use a high-pressure spray on affected areas.  

More Lawn Tips:  Ants In Yard Infestation Treatment

Cabbage worms

These guys don’t just like cabbage; they’ll happily munch harmful holes into all sorts of plant life. This makes them a menace to both your veggie garden and your flower bed. 

Like many caterpillars, they have fat, bright green bodies. And as much as we all love butterflies, you need to be on the lookout for adults- white butterflies with black spots on their wings. Not all butterfly larvae are harmful, but cabbage worms can damage your garden’s foliage, thereby compromising the health of the plants they feed on.  

Click here for more information about Ryno’s insect control services.

Fall Webworms

Similar to their springtime counterparts (bagworms), fall webworms build large net-like webs in the branches of your trees. Their presence is not only unsettling; it can compromise the health of your trees’ twigs and foliage.

And to top it all off, these spotted grey caterpillars can fall onto the heads and shoulders passers-by without warning. Yikes! Fortunately, there are long-range sprays you can use to combat the webs and bring their unsightly presence to an end. 

Yellow Jackets

While yellow jackets do assist in keeping other pests at bay, they can be a frightful presence in your yard. They tend to prey on aphids and other soft-bodied insects, while also feeding on nectar and rotting fruit. 

Be on the lookout for open comb nests, like the ones you would expect to find from this sort of insect. Additionally, they can create underground nests, as well as those made from scraps of paper. Call in a professional if you feel the need to eradicate them from your yard.

More Lawn Tips:  How to Prevent Fire Ants in Yard


  • Slugs, snails, aphids, and cabbage worms will feast on your foliage, causing harmful and unattractive damage to the leaves. Make sure you’re looking closely for signs of their presence, so you can take evasive action and protect your lawn and garden.
  • Fall webworms may cause harm to the leaves and smaller branches of your trees, and they can fall to the ground at any time! Long-range sprayers can help rid your yard of these plummeting pests.
  • Yellow jackets are mostly beneficial, but they can be a frightful presence in your outdoor living space. If you find evidence of these spooky stingers, you may want to call a professional.

None of these critters are an immediate threat you yard in small amounts, so there’s no need to panic if you only spot a couple of them here and there. However, if allowed to proliferate, they can wreak havoc all the way into next spring. So keep a keen eye open for potential problems, to ensure that you’re prepared to eradicate them if needed.

One surefire way to encourage pests in your lawn during the fall season is by allowing leaves and other debris to build up. This creates a fantastic habitat for unwanted bugs. But if you’re too busy to keep up, just check out our service page for leave removal!

Click here to get a quick, free service quote online! 

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