lemon tree

Dwarf Trees For Landscaping


We live a small, small, small world.

dwarfIts seems now a days that larger or bigger trees do not have the same appeal they once had.  It seems with land prices going up and property sizes shrinking, thus creating a landscaping trend to work in a smaller area. The solution to for smaller landscapes?  Using dwarf trees for landscaping is practical and easy to do.  For purposes of smaller urban landscapes we are recommending trees no larger than 15 ft. or can be grown in large, movable pots.

Here is a sampling of dwarf trees that should be helpful for those small yard landscapes.

Fruit Dwarf Trees

  1. The common Fig is recognized by its large green leaves and purple, edible fruits. Averaging at a height of 10 feet, fig trees endure in the heat and can be easily grown in large pots or containers.
  2. Calamondin oranges are excellent beginner fruits to grow.  Calamondin trees constantly produce scented flowers, which develop into small, round fruits that are too sour to eat raw, however makes a great alternative to lemons and limes, in addition can be used in tangy marmalade.
  3. Lemon and limes are great potted grow well outside in the summer in a container large container or in a small garden big enough to support their root growth. Make sure they are watered and bring them indoors when the weather turns cooler if you live in colder climates.
  4. Crabapple trees are attractive, and produce plenty of fruits for use in the kitchen. Ideally their narrow canopy makes them preferred dwarf trees for landscaping.
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Dwarf Evergreen Trees

  1. dwarf-evergreenNorway spruce –  Long been a favorite fast-growing tree for large landscapes, however now gardeners are starting to recognize dwarf cultivars as well. Some choices include Clanbrassiliana, Echiniformis, Little Gem and Perry’s Gold
  2. Creeping juniper – Often looked at as a shrub, however creeping junipers can grow out as smaller trees and be shaped similiar to a bonzai tree.
  3. Hinoki False cypress – Dark green with tiny needles, as well as reddish new growth with bronze coloring in winter. A great evergreen shrub for screening, in addition to privacy hedges and background plantings.
  4. Arborvitae – A tree with a medium height and lush a emerald green color. Often used as a decorative hedge for a planting along borders, used for wind breaking or privacy. Grows to about 8 to 12 feet tall.

Have a small space to work with? Don’t fret, there are many small yard privacy trees.

Flowering Trees

  1. Purple Lily Magnolias— AKA as tulip magnolia and red magnolia. These magnolias provide a great focal point in the garden or patio. They grow from 10 to 15 feet, in addition produce pink and purple flowers.
  2. Rose of Sharon – Many gardeners favor its exotic blooms. A deciduous shrub that typically grows from 10 to 15 feet. To give Rose of Sharon a more treelike appearance, its limbs can be trimmed and trained for directional growth.
  3. Japanese Maple – Japanese maples are admired for their soft leaves, as well as amazing fall color. They mature at 6 to 10 feet, there making dwarf trees for landscaping ideal for growing in pots.

Wrapping Up

This article covers a very small amount of small tree options, however there are vast amount of trees available for you landscape or yard.  Check with your local nursery or Ryno Lawn Care for more information about adding these dwarf trees to your landscape today. Head over to our landscaping service page now.

More Lawn Tips:  Dog-Friendly Backyard Landscaping Ideas


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