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lawn care in extreme heat
Summer Lawn Care

Lawn Care in Extreme Heat

Extreme heat takes a toll on your lawn. A once-green grass turns into a patchy, brown landscape. As temperatures rise and the summer sun beats

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can grass survive drought
Summer Lawn Care

Can Grass Survive Drought?

Drought is a significant concern for homeowners when it comes to maintaining a lush, green lawn. With periods of little to no rainfall, it’s natural

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does my lawn need lime
General Lawn Care

How to Revive Dead Grass

A lush, vibrant lawn is a source of pride for homeowners. However, sometimes even the most well-maintained lawns can experience patches of dead grass. Whether

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Zoysia Grass
General Lawn Care

Types of Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass is a popular warm-season grass type that is well-suited for the Texas climate. It is known for its durability, drought tolerance, and low

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